True Strength Summer 2020

Welcome to my quest of achieving a better version of myself. The purpose of this series of blog posts will be to document my new 8-week vegan fitness challenge. This was the result of my previous 8-week shred vegan fitness challenge: New starting point New macros Total Calories 3118Protein 137gFat 87gCarbohydrates 447g My first reaction… Continue reading True Strength Summer 2020

Vegan Fitness Week 8

On May 24th I finished the 8th and last week of my first Vegan Fitness Challenge. I will be short with this post because two weeks have passed already and I’m starting a new Vegan Fitness Challenge tomorrow but this time for muscle gain instead of fat loss. If you didn’t read my 7th week… Continue reading Vegan Fitness Week 8

Vegan Fitness Week 7

On May 17th I finished the 7th week of my vegan fitness challenge. At the time of writing this I’m actually finishing the challenge (tomorrow!). I’m proud of my achievements until now. If you didn’t read my 6th week report you can read about it here. Before and after pictures Definitely the funniest thing this… Continue reading Vegan Fitness Week 7

Vegan Fitness Week 2

Today is the end of week 2 of the vegan fitness challenge I’m working on. If you have missed my review of week 1, you can check my previous post here. My macros for this week were changed to have 300 calories more:Total Calories: 2000Protein: 141g (28%)Fat: 44g (20%)Carbohydrates: 259g (52%) This actually made a… Continue reading Vegan Fitness Week 2