Vegan Fitness Week 7

On May 17th I finished the 7th week of my vegan fitness challenge. At the time of writing this I’m actually finishing the challenge (tomorrow!). I’m proud of my achievements until now. If you didn’t read my 6th week report you can read about it here.

Before and after pictures

Definitely the funniest thing this week was people saying that in my before picture I look much happier than now. Something around “abs showing, smile gone!”

I’ll make sure that for the last picture of the challenge I’ll put on a smile!


One of the things that I didn’t mention in the previous reports is that I started introducing yoga every day in my life again! It’s something that I started doing during university times but kept stopping for long periods of time and obviously losing all the flexibility gains.

This time I’ve put myself the challenge of doing yoga for 5 minutes right after waking up every day for one full week! This is the video that I used in case you would also like to start slowly like me:

5-Minute Morning Yoga – Yoga With Adriene

After 7 days of doing that video every day my conclusion is that it was very good but very, very short so the new challenge changed to do 10 minutes every day for 7 days and this was the video I used, which was in the list of related videos:

Yoga To Get The Juices Flowing – Morning Yoga – Yoga With Adriene

I successfully did 7 consecutive days of that video and I was very proud of myself. It still felt a bit short so I tried to push my limits a bit a try a 15min video. This is the one I used for this week:

Sunrise Yoga – 15 Min Morning Yoga Practice – Yoga With Adriene

I only failed one day but I still did the 7 days. I consider it a success anyway even though I didn’t do it consecutively.

Vegan eating

It’s becoming easier and easier to eat just vegan food and this is my first week fully vegan. Amazing achievement for me.

Now that the challenge is almost over and since I already know that I will do the next challenge, I will use the two weeks of break to improve my vegan eating overall so that I have more variety.

At this point I’m very satisfied that I was able to do the change to a vegan diet and hopefully it will stick. Since I’m writing this already at the end of week 8 I can already tell you that I’m still eating just vegan food.

General strength

One thing that I believe I didn’t mention in the previous post is that my strength improved dramatically compared to the first week! I still remember that the first two weeks of the workout were total body destruction. I will probably try to do those two first weeks of the workout during the two week break just to compare the feeling of going through the workout compared to how it felt when I started.

Goals for the last week

My goals are definitely to workout as hard as I can and focus on the food and target the macros that I’m supposed to achieve each day. It was an amazing journey and I’ve learned A LOT!

It was the first time for me trying to lose fat and I’m happy that I can see a little bit of abs now. I will continue to work on it for the weeks to come.

If you’re also doing the challenge and you’ve reached this point, I’m also proud of you because it’s definitely not an easy commitment.

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