Vegan Fitness Week 3

I’m writing this post after having started week 4. If you didn’t read my report on my second week you can click here. I need to be a bit more consistent with my weekly reports that will read in the future and laugh about the things I was struggling with.

I should have noted down some things I want to mention here but let’s see if I remember all the changes that I’ve done.

Current macros

My macros for this week were not changed.
Total Calories: 2000
Protein: 141g (28%)
Fat: 44g (20%)
Carbohydrates: 259g (52%)

Improvements to my diet

The main thing for this week 3 was that I stopped eating canned tuna and switched to eating just chicken. It’s still not vegan but I just couldn’t eat canned tuna anymore. I was starting to hate it more and more because I was eating it just to have more protein without fat.

I stopped eating canned tuna…

Another thing I also did, since I still don’t know if I’m eating properly because I’m still struggling with this vegan transition is to take a vitamin supplement. A multivitamin (without vitamin D) and a magnesium and vitamin D supplement. The taste of the multivitamin is nice but I didn’t like the magnesium+vitamin D supplement so I’ll do some research to find a replacement.

I still struggle a lot with my fat intake. The 44g limit is so low that it’s taking me a long time to get used to. I always have too much fat for breakfast which reduces a lot the amount of fat left after lunch. I’ll eventually get everything right.

The workouts didn’t go so well, they are just too hard and leave me very tired and it takes me quite a while to recover. Anyway, I was so amazed by the difference in my body after just three weeks even though this week didn’t go so well that I’ll post the before and after pictures here:

Even though the biggest difference is the hair, the amount of fat around the belly decreased a bit so I’m quite happy with the results in just three weeks.

The biggest difference is the hair…


I was definitely looking forward to week 4 but since week 4 already passed at the time that I’m writing this so I will write another report to describe how it went. I started week 5 yesterday and I definitely want to compensate for all the mistakes and it more seriously.

Thanks very much for reading.

You can continue to week 4 here.

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